Concord Repository
“Concord is a classic land. The names of Emerson and Thoreau and Channing and Hawthorne are associated with the fields and forests and lakes and rivers of this township.”
~ Amos Bronson Alcott.

Concord ~ Settled 1659 ~ Incorporated 1733 ~ Named 1765

Abbot-Downing Co. ~ Concord Coach 1813 - 1930's

Gas Holder ~ 1888

Concord Railroad Train Depot ~ Yard (Est. 1842)

Concord Trolleys' ~ 1881

Swenson Granite Works ~ 1883

NH State House ~ 1819

NH State Prison ~ 1879

Nathaniel White (1811 ~ 1880) ~ American Express Co.

Kimball Jenkins ~ Estate (Built 1877 - 1882)

Birch Dale Springs House ~ (1867 ~ 1876)

Concord State Fair ~ (1901 - 1909)

Concord Airport Corp. ~ Charles Lindbergh ~ 1902-1974

Mary Baker Eddy ~ First Church of Christ, Scientist 1879

Kimball Jenkins Estate In Minecraft

20 South Main Street

St. Peter's Construction

St. Peter's Church

St. Peter's Rectory and Carriage House

57 South Spring Garage

46 Pillsbury Street

50 Hutchins Street

74 Broad Cove Road

77 School Street

64 Warren Street

78 Hutchins Street

82 Hoit Road

107 Commercial Street

205 North Main Street

151 Oak Hill Road

131 West Parish Road

Miscellaneous Properties

197 Fisherville Road

198 Loudon Road

89 Appleton